Classic physics
App Description Enter the value and click "Calculate" to display the result \(K= \frac {1.59923 \times P \times d^4 \times P}{W^2}...
App Description P . V = constant P1 . V1 = P2 . V2 P1= pressure 1 V1= volume 1 P2= pressure 2 V2= volume 2 Click on the volume cal...
App description Enter the value and click Calculate. The result will be displayed. Standard temperature and pressure are defined...
App description Attenuator calculator Enter a value, select a unit and the result will be displayed. Usage example Input data: At...
App Description \(H _L=\frac {F×L×V^2}{2×D×g}\) HL = head loss F = friction coefficient V = flow rate L = pipe length D = pipe di...
App description Enter the value and click Calculate. The result will be displayed. Calculation formula Sound is a vibration that...
App description Spring index calculation Enter the value, click on "Calculate" and the result will be displayed. Calculation formu...
App description Enter any of the following values and click Calculate Usage example Input data: Flow rate: 15m3/hr Cooperation eff...
App description Enter the value and click Calculate. The result will be displayed. Capacity (Cubic Inches) = Length x Width x Heig...
App description Enter the value, select and click "Calculate", the result will be displayed. Usage example Input data: Gender: Fem...
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